Runnin Hill Repeats…Oh, & My New Emmy Nominations!

I’m proud to say that we’re nominated for two more Emmy’s this year, but I’ll get to that…

At last year's Emmy's. That's #6 I've won so far. Honored!

At last year’s Emmy’s. That’s #6 I’ve won so far. Honored!

But first…I noticed on a couple runs recently that I was really struggling whenever we came to a hilly sections. So what’s the solution? To go run up and down hills of course…doy!

I realized that a while back I had replaced my weekly hill repeat workout with a track workout. This reminded me that I need to mix up my workouts more often. So I went and ran some hill repeats…Fun!

To be honest, I really do kind of like hill repeats. Sick, I know.

To be honest, I really do kind of like hill repeats. Sick, I know.

Since I’ve reincorporated the hill repeats, I have noticed them getting easier on my long runs. Nice to see results!

Now for the Emmy news…Here’s the Nomination Announcements:





I’m lucky to have such talented people to work with on these videos. (I’m including photos below in case Jason doesn’t believe that I actually know these people.)

Like my pal David Chicken.

At a music video shoot.

At a music video shoot.

And my buddy Ashley Kamrath.

At last year's Emmys.

At last year’s Emmys.

And of course my crazy amigo Flula.

We are two wild and crazy guys.

We are two wild and crazy guys.

Oh, and here’s a bonus pic of me, Ashley and Flula at a video shoot at the Texas state capital building.

Keep Austin Weird.

Keep Austin Weird.

So here’s hoping. Please cross your fingers for us!

If you want to watch the videos that are nominated, you can see the ‘Play’ music video HERE and the ‘Rec X’ episode HERE.

Until the gala comes, I’ll be out there runnin the streets and all the hills! Boojakashaw!

How bout you? Been runnin any hills? Ever hang out with YouTubing German DeeJays? Ever dance with a grown man in a chicken hat and cape?


Categories: fitfluetial, Life Times, run, Running, Video Work | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 50 Comments

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50 thoughts on “Runnin Hill Repeats…Oh, & My New Emmy Nominations!

  1. Congrats. That is awesome! I was running hills for the past week in NYC and during my half in Boston I noticed that I was speeding up on hills and passing people without even thinking about it. I remember thinking that it was a true testament to how running some hills can make a huge difference. Excellent reminder!

    • Thank you!!! That’s great that you noticed results! You’re right, running hills makes a big difference. I’m glad I’ve been doing them because the race I’m running tomorrow has two big hills in it!

  2. Fingers crossed!

  3. You are all famous and stuff!!! Congrats and my fingers are crossed but not my feet… ’cause I’ve got some running I need to do 🙂

  4. Congrats on the nominations!
    Is that Windhaven that you’re running up and down?

  5. Wow, congrats on the nominations, I’m sending you good vibes for the win! I actually like hills (as much as you can like them!) because I know they make me stronger but hills during trail races are the devil!

    • Why thank you! I really appreciate the vibes! I’m with you, I secretly like hills too. I know it’s tough, but they make you faster!

  6. Congratulations!

  7. Congrats! That is awesome! I actually love hill repeats. I feel so much stronger on my long runs. I alternate them with speed work at the track on a weekly basis.

    • Thanks so much! I’m with you, hill repeats are kind of fun. And I love how strong they make us. I like your alternating plan, I’m trying to do the same!

  8. Is that you around 0:09 running in the first video???

    Congratulations on the nominations!

  9. Congrats on the nominations! You rock!

  10. Congratulations! That’s awesome!

  11. Congratulations! Very exciting news! As for hills, I have not been running any more than I have to the last few weeks. I’m looking forward to a small running vacation starting next week!

  12. Dude visit VT. You don’t need to do hill workouts, you just need to go for a run… I used to love hills, now I just want something flat…

    After all those emmy’s do they become like finishers medals? Just clutter? Toys for the children?

    • Ha, gotcha! I guess I shouldn’t complain about North Texas “hills”.

      I’m addicted to winning bling, whether it’s a race medal or a video award. The kids aren’t allowed to touch either, haha!

      • Too bad. I was going to offer to purchase one…

      • Ha, well the Emmys have strict rules, if you ever don’t want it, then you legally have to give it back to them. Now as for race medals…I remember at the Dopey Challenge that people were selling theirs on Ebay right after the races…crazy!

  13. Congrats on your Emmy nominations. Very exciting!

  14. Congratulations!! This is awesomely impressive and quite a feat. Best of luck to you, and I hope you get to add a few more to your collection!

  15. Awesome and congrats! I enjoy hill repeats, probably because I live on the coast now and there’s nothing resembling a hill or an incline 99% of the time, so it’s variety. I also know from living and training in Iowa (it’s not as flat as everyone says) that it provides a HUGE benefit, so hey, hills are awesome!

    • Thank you!!! I actually enjoy hill repeats too. I just don’t like them in the middle of a long run, ha! Bummer you don’t have any. My sis doesn’t either in FL. Sometimes she runs up parking garages though. You’re right tho, they make us strong runners!

  16. You don’t look right in a suit…and that’s not meant as a slam. It just makes me laugh knowing your personality! 🙂

  17. Huge congrats on the nominations 🙂 and kick a$$ on those hills!

  18. Congratulations! It’s still hard for me to think of you as behind the scenes rather than hamming it up in front of the camera.

    • Thanks! Ha, yeah, I really don’t mind being in front of the camera, but it’s nice to have the control of everything when you’re behind it too!

  19. You have the coolest job!

  20. WOOOOO congrats again!!!! So freaking cool!! I have been avoiding major hills *guilty face.* The first 3 miles (and last 3) of my running route have a bunch of small hills though. But I really should work on those hills since my first marathon will be very hilly (I’ve been told the first 16 miles are mostly uphill :/

    • Thanks Amy!! Yeah, hill training is a necessary evil. I’m always happy come race day if I did them because there’s always going to be a hill in the race! Oh no! 16 miles of hills??? You better get on that!!

  21. Congrats!!

  22. Congratulations! How exciting! I’m not a fan of hills, but there are plenty in my neighborhood that I try and hit up every now and again…

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