Posts Tagged With: crossfit

Week Workouts, Boston Fundraiser, & Bestie Visit

I’ve been crazy busy this week, but workout-wise it’s been kind of a weak week.  I’m blaming part of that on the weather.  What up spring?  Storms one day, crazy winds the next, temps in the 80’s one day, then temps in the 30’s another day.  What up?

All I’ve managed to get in this week is one yoga class, one weight sesh, one doggy walk, one run.  And on my run I must’ve stepped wrong because 3.25 miles in my lower calf said, “no mas.”  I was able to make it to four, but sheesh.  Luckily my blogging buddy – had sent me some Rocktape for my birthday!  Thanks Amy!

I have the exact same running form as the gal on the box.

I have the exact same running form as the gal on the box.

So now I have it taped up and I’m off to a social run tonight to give it a go.  I’m also going cause one of my elite runner buddies – Logan Sherman – is going to be there as he’s doing a fundraiser for Boston Police who work the marathon course.

He's fast.

You know you’re fast when fitness magazines write articles about you.

If you’re interested in donating, or want more info – here’s the LINK.

Other than that, I had a pretty good visit from one of my besties who was in from North Crackalaka.  Of course, I took her to get some TACOS!

Steps:  1. Open face.  2. Insert taco.  3. Repeat.

Steps: 1. Open face. 2. Insert taco. 3. Repeat.

She also got to visit the fam and play with the rugrats.

Then we went to a Texas patio bar.

Christie is joining you in a virtual drink.

Christie wants to join you in a virtual drink.

Which led to this sort of klassy behavior.

Judging from the photos, my mouth is agape alot.

Judging from the photos, my mouth is agape alot.

All in all it was a good visit.  Hopefully she’ll be able to come back again soon!

Final patio selfie.

Final patio selfie…because her hair was on fire.

So there you go.

How bout you?  Crazy weather?  Doing anything (running, fundraising, etc.) for Boston?  Who wants to meet up at the patio bar later?


Categories: Life Times, Running | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 37 Comments

Crossfit vs. Yoga Strong

Whenever I’m at yoga class and we end with dead man’s pose, I always wonder what the other people in the gym think about our ‘workout’.  I mean, we’re just laying there after all.

I assume that most people who don’t do yoga think it’s an easy hour of relaxing and stretching.  It can be relaxing, and you do gain flexibility, but it is NOT easy.

This past weekend I was at yoga practice and there were a bunch of first-timers.  They were all Crossfitters who decided to give it a try.  Now, I’ve never done Crossfit, but I know what it is.  And I know it’s a great workout.  And I know it gets people in great shape.  But apparently it doesn’t make you yoga strong.  Lemme splain.

The instructor knew that there were a bunch of newbies, so she took it very easy on us.  She even said she was skipping a bunch of stuff she wanted to do.  And some of her regulars remarked how she was showing mercy on us.  Normally I’m a sweaty shaking sore mess after yoga – That’s what I’m used to – but not this time.  But here’s the thing…

…The Crossfitters were dropping like flies.  They kept saying how tough it was and how they can’t do this and they weren’t even going to attempt this or that.  I was shocked.  I thought the strength they get from Crossfit would translate to being able to hold yoga poses, but I guess not.

Now, I’m not saying they’re out of shape, far from it.  But they weren’t yoga strong.  It made me feel good to realize that I kind of am.  Cool.

How bout you?  Do you do any power yoga?  Are you yoga strong?  If you don’t yoga, do you think it would be tough or easy? 

Categories: Running | Tags: , , , , , , | 47 Comments

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