I Was Named Ambassador

I was named ambassador to North Ikea.  Sorry, had to steal that joke from the latest Between Two Ferns.  Seriously, I was named a Fitfluential Ambassador!

I hope I get to wear a sash.

I hope I get to wear a sash.

What does that mean exactly?  Well let me tell you…actually, I don’t completely know.  They are still processing my schtuff and I’m waiting for further info.  But in the meantime, this is from their website:

“FitFluential Ambassadors are social media influencers who work with FitFluential’s brand partners. FitFluential’s goal is to successfully connect brands in the fitness space with influential fitness enthusiasts. An ideal match is one where the FitFluential Ambassador (and their audience) matches with the brand’s target market. Our Ambassadors have a strong presence on their social media channels, high quality content with a definitive voice and a passion for fitness-related topics.”

You hear that?  I’m an influencer…So do what I say!

Seriously, I joke around a lot, but hopefully this new opportunity will help spread the good word of healthy living and fitness.  Stay tuned you pretty people.

Any advice for a new ambassador?  Should I get my passport ready?

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36 thoughts on “I Was Named Ambassador

  1. Way to go!

    My advice…stay who you are and be positive.

  2. cool! I want to be an ambassador to something, how did you get involved in that?

    • I had to fill out an application when the window was open a while back. I actually applied a year or two ago and didn’t get it, so I guess I’m better now. 😉

  3. Congrats! I’m one too 🙂

  4. Ambassador Piratebobcat – sounds good. You must get a sash to go with the title.

  5. Congrats! And yes, no one will take you seriously without a sash.

  6. Congrats 🙂 And welcome, friend!

  7. Congrats!!! That’s awesome!

  8. TartanJogger

    Whoa! Well done you! 🙂

  9. Congrats!! That`s awesome; it’s one of my goals to become an ambassador 😀

  10. Bravo. Remember to thank the ‘little’ people when you become all famous! 😉

  11. Yah, congrats!!! You’re totally an influencer – I still can’t get over the Dopey Challenge you did!
    Guess I need to write a blog post about this now too 😉

    • Thanks! I’d rather be an influencer than have influenza. 😉 Yeah, looking back now, the Dopey was a pretty good accomplishment!

  12. So exciting!! Congrats Scott!!! You def deserve it. And hey, now you can charge those dancers even more for taking photos with you.

  13. Good job! 🙂

  14. Congrats! Very awesome.

  15. Congratulations! You are going to be an awesome fitfluential ambassador!

  16. Congrats! : )

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